Know the Effective Ways to Get Rid Of Mangal Dosh

Know the Effective Ways to Get Rid Of Mangal Dosh
Know the Effective Ways to Get Rid Of Mangal Dosh

All the nine planets and 12 zodiac signs have a special role in astrology. Based on the calculation of nine planets and 12 zodiac signs, the future of a person is studied. Whenever a child is born in this world, his zodiac sign is fixed at the same time. Based on the calculation of planets and zodiac, the horoscope of a person gives a lot of information about him. Based on the study of the horoscope, the good and bad planets falling on the person are analyzed and get the love problem solution.

For example, if Mars is heavy in a person's horoscope or sits in an inauspicious house, then there is an effect of Mangal Dosha on him. According to astrology, if Mars is sitting in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of the horoscope, then that person is called Manglik. If there is Mangal dosha in the horoscope of the native, there are obstacles in his marriage. The person gets very angry. The married life of a person passes with difficulties and face most common relationship problems.

Mangal Dosha And Effects

When Mars is heavy in the horoscope, Mars has a special effect on the natives. If the influence of Mars is more in the horoscope, then such people have more sexuality. Due to high desire for work in Manglik people, they are married to Manglik. When Manglik is married to Manglik, they fulfill each other's desire and well together.

Effect Of Mangal Dosha On Natives

Due to the effect of Mangal Dosha, marriage is delayed, marriage can break, even if the marriage takes place, there is a lack of coordination with the spouse. The reason behind this is that the seventh house in the horoscope represents marriage or married life and the presence of Mars in this house is inauspicious. The position of Mars here causes ego conflict, tension, quarrel, divorce etc. between husband and wife.


To reduce the effect of Mars, Manglik people should worship Lord Shiva and Hanuman ji. Some remedies have been given in astrology to reduce the inauspicious effect of Mars. In which mainly wear coral and donate wheat, lentils, copper, gold, red flowers, red clothes, red sandalwood, saffron, musk, red bull, land etc.

Nature Of Demanding People

Due to the influence of Mars, they get angry very quickly. They are very passionate about work. Their voice is harsh. You can also predicts about the divorce astrology. There is no fear of fights and quarrels of these people.

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