Divorce Prediction Astrology
Nowadays divorce is the most common topic everywhere. The no of separation in our society is increasing exponentially. There are a lot of people are facing marital disharmony. There are a lot of people who are curious and want to know that how to analyze divorce in the kundali. Our expert astrologer is providing the divorce prediction astrology that will helpful to meet with your all questions. Know which planets are mostly responsible for separation from spouse in Vedic astrology, Divorce Yog in Horoscope etc.
How to analyze the divorce prediction in astrology?
There are numerous Divorce prediction in astrology and it is very difficult to remember them all too. So our astrologer is providing some of the indications in astrology of divorce.
- If the Lord of the 7th house is associated with 12th lord and Rahu and placed in Lagna it is condition of Marital discord astrology. If the Lord of the 12th is placed in 7th house with Rahu or if 7th lord and 12th lord is in mutual aspect or exchange sign and Rahu is associated with one of the planets, there is strong chance of divorce in astrology.
- When birth takes place in the sign of Mars and Saturn , Venus occupies the Lagna and 7th house is afflicted, the wife leaves the native. Presence of Moon and Venus is considered bad for happiness of marriage. If this combination is afflicted by Malefics, it is a strong indication divorce in horoscope.
- One of the very strong combination of separation in astrology is the presence of Sun in the 7th house under affliction or debilitation with a weak 7th lord. It becomes more strong divorce indicators in astrology when Venus and Rahu or saturn and Rahu is also placed in Lagna. I have written a detail article on the effect of Sun in 7th house of Horoscope. You can read it to get more insight.
- The 6th house rules the court case, litigation etc. We cannot get marriage without permission from Court. When 6th Lord is in 7th house or vice versa or 6th and 7th lord is conjunct, the separation takes place after lot of legal proceedings. 6th house is 12th from 7th , so it is the Loss of Marriage. Whenever 6th house or Lord is associated with Significator of marriage Venus, it may also bring divorce in astrology provided the 7th house is also under the influence of separative planets Like Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Sun etc. It has been observed that when the 4th house is afflicted by 6th lord or 4th lord and 6th lord is conjunct, chances of separation in vedic astrology is high.
- If the 7th lord is afflicted and separative planets like Mars, Rahu, Sun etc are in 8th house, Divorce prediction in astrology can be done. The chances of divorce in vedic astrology will increase more if 7th house falls under Papakartari yoga also.
- When the 7th Lord is retrograde and 8th house is afflicted by Rahu, Mars , Sun or Saturn, chances of separation in marriage.With this combination if the Venus is also retrograde, this deteriorates the situation.
- If the 12th lord is placed in the 4th house or 4th lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house, 7th lord is afflicted by Rahu, sun, saturn or Mars and the Significator of Marriage Venus is also afflicted or debilitated, divorce in astrology charts is very high.
- when the 7th house from Navamsa Lagna is afflicted by Malefics and Rashi chart also shows divorce Yog in astrology, separation or divorce can be confirmed.
- If the Rahu-Ketu is placed in the 1-7 Axis of Navamsa, this is very strong Yoga for unhappy marriage in astrology. It will give more Bad result if the significator of Marriage is debilitated in Navamsa or afflicted by Malefics in Navamsa.
- In Navamsa chart we have to see the Navamsa Lagna, the 7th house and the 8th house. If these Houses and their lords are afflicted chances of divorce in astrology increase. We have to see the condition of the 7th lord of Rashi Chart in Navamsa chart. Venus-Ketu conjunction in Navamsa is a strong indication of divorce in astrology.
- The second House from Upapada Lagna if afflicted by Malefic Planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu can break a marriage. When the Upapada Lagna is conjunct by Ketu and Venus is placed in 12th house, it indicates separation and unhappy marriage.
- 8th house being the house of Delay, obstacles, Sustenance of Marriage, in case of Female it Rules over Longevity of Husband etc, any Malefic Planet like Rahu, Saturn, Mars is not good Marital Harmony. You can read my detail writing on the effect of 8th house Saturn and 8th house Rahu.
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