October Astrology: Know about the people born in month of October
If you are born in the month of October of any year, then Astrology prediction says that you are a very quiet kind of creature. They are so smart in appearance that people can be jealous of you. You may lose some attraction in the initial stage, but as your age increases, your beauty and health will improve. Believe that this improvement comes so much that the line of fans begins to grow.
You keep a mysterious circle around you. Breaking your limits is not in everyone's control. You cannot be friends with everyone. Your personality is majestic. It is your quality to do everything with care. If you do not like to be chaotic, if you are born in October, then you should do your introspection. Is it not that you have not identified yourself yet?
There is a difference between staying beautiful and looking beautiful. You are among the beautiful people, even if your nose-map is simple, but you have such strong attraction power that you win your heart by presenting yourself in a unique way.
You also have great power to overcome problems. You come out again and again even in times of extreme despair. You refrain from responding immediately to any issue. It is your identity to measure your time and measure it. Do not waste words but your answer in putting words correctly at the right time. Some youngsters born in October specialize in relationship politics. You have the special ability to understand something deeply. In other words, your sharpness is also jealous of people.
You are not alone in love Let someone learn from you by wanting to drown and break their partner. Often your love is not successful but the people of your home are unable to hear the voice of your broken heart. You do not like to cry and cry in love. If you have a breakup, then very quietly you take silence instead of accusing the opposition. If you want to know more about your birth month then consult world famous astrologer. Even if the whole world recognizes your love, there are still seven locks on your tongue, you have so much respect for the person in front of you that even in your sleep you cannot think of him as unhappy.
Areas like Technology, Politics, Arts, Acting, Business or Medical are suitable for you. It is also to be believed that you reach your peak in your region. Dream of continuous superiority and fulfill it. Girls born in October are the mallas of dignified beauty. Their eyes are so deep and beautiful that if anyone drowns and forgets everything, then it is not surprising. The mind has some diplomatic but does not harm others. The deeper you are in love, the deeper you are. Deep in these ways that she wants from Dilozan. She wants to ignore the shortcomings of the front. But if there is a breakup, then soon she settles down to join anyone and takes the sorrow of a lifetime. They have great confidence but want to remain dependent on someone from their mind.
They are advised to increase the communication a bit. Identify right and wrong friends. Do not let your talent be exploited. Keep yourself beautiful this is your greatest strength.
Lucky Number: 2, 6, 7, 8
Lucky Color: Mehroon, Peacock Green, Royal Black
Lucky Day: Tuesday, Friday, Friday
Lucky Stone: Diamond
Suggestion: Take up the education of a poor child or donate stationery items to poor children.
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